
Michael Friedrich at QCon London 2024, Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI

Michael's talks focus on DevSecOps efficiency, AI, CI/CD, Developer Experience, SRE/Observability, and overall - learning best practices in public together. For collaboration requests, provide all context on the why and how, including URLs to take action.


Upcoming events


Chemnitz Linux Days: Efficient DevSecOps workflows with reusable CI/CD Components

Talk: Efficient DevSecOps workflows with reusable CI/CD Components - Chemnitz Linux Days 2025
Efficient DevSecOps workflows with reusable CI/CD Components Chemnitz Linux Days 2025, 2025-03-22


IT-Tage 2024, Frankfurt, Germany: Efficient DevSecOps Workflows with a little help from AI

Talk: Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI - IT-Tage 2024
Michael Friedrich Effiziente DevSecOps Workflows … with a little help from AI

GitLab DACH Roadshow Dusseldorf, Zurich, Berlin, Vienna, Stuttgart Note: This is a GitLab customer-focused event and talk.

Efficient DevSecOps Workflows with a little help from AI - DACH Roadshow FY25 - Michael Friedrich
Efficient DevSecOps Workflows with a little help from AI [Today | In the next 30 minutes], we want to talk about Efficient DevSecOps Workflows … with a little help from AI.

DevSecOps Nuremberg: Efficient DevSecOps Workflows with AI - hands-on workshop session

Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI - DevOps Camp Nuremberg 2024
Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI DevOps Camp Nuremberg 2024 [Today | In the next 30 minutes], we want to talk about Efficient DevSecOps Workflows … with a little help from AI. [ Internal note: Organization CFP issue:…

InfoQ Dev Summit Munich: Efficient DevSecOps Workflows with a little help from AI

Talk: Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI - InfoQ Dev Summit Munich 2024
Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI [Today | In the next 30 minutes], we want to talk about Efficient DevSecOps Workflows … with a little help from AI. [ Internal note: Organization CFP issue:…

Container Days 2024: Efficient DevSecOps Workflows with a little help from AI

Talk: Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI - Container Days EU 2024
Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI [Today | In the next 30 minutes], we want to talk about Efficient DevSecOps Workflows … with a little help from AI. [ Internal note: Organization CFP issue:…

Open Source @ Siemens 2024: Efficient DevSecOps with CI/CD Components

Talk: Efficient DevSecOps with CI/CD Components - Open Source @ Siemens
Efficient DevSecOps with CI/CD Components Open Source @ Siemens, 2024-05-14

QCon London 2024: Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI

Talk: Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI - QCon London
Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI QCon London 2024

Efficient DevSecOps Workflows with reusable CI/CD Components



Cloud Native Saar Meetup: Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI

Cloudnative Saar Meetup: Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI
Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI Cloud-native Saar Meetup, 2023-11-29

KubeCon NA 2023, GitLab lightning talk: Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI

KubeCon NA 2023-Michael Friedrich-Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI
Efficient DevSecOps workflows with a little help from AI

KubeCon NA 2023, GitLab lightning talk: Observability for Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines

KubeCon NA 2023-Michael Friedrich-Observability for Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines
Observability for Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines

KubeCon NA 2023, GitLab lightning talk: Simplifying CI/CD Pipelines with Component Catalogs

KubeCon NA 2023-Michael Friedrich-Simplifying CI/CD Pipelines with Component Catalogs (current)
Simplifying CI/CD Pipelines with Component Catalogs Or … DevSecOps Efficiency with reusable workflows

Container Days 2023: From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos

Container Days 2023: From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos
From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos Michael Friedrich In the next 30 minutes, you will learn about my story learning eBPF, how it helps debugging production incidents, and how this correlates with Chaos. We will also explore new ideas where eBPF can help with Observability and security c…

Cloudland 2023: Observability for Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines

Cloudland 2023: Observability for Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines
Observability for Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines Introduction 3

Cloudland 2023: Learning eBPF for better Observability

Cloudland 2023: Learning eBPF for better Observability (Workshop)
Learning eBPF for better Observability Workshop Introduction 3

KubeCon EU 2023, GitLab booth lightning talk: Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines in a Cloud Native World

KubeCon EU 2023 LT-Michael Friedrich-Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines in a Cloud-Native World
Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines in a Cloud Native World

QCon London: From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos

QCon London: From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos
From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos Michael Friedrich In the next 50 minutes, you will learn about my story learning eBPF, how it helps debugging production incidents, and how this correlates with Chaos.

Chemnitz Linux Days: Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines in a Cloud Native World

Chemnitz Linux Days 2023: Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines in a Cloud-Native World
Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines in a Cloud Native World

Config Management Camp: From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos

From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos
From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos Michael Friedrich


IT Tage 2022: Konfidenz mit Kaos für Kubernetes Observability

Talk is German, slides are English.

IT-Tage: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability
Konfidenz mit Kaos für Kubernetes Observability Michael Friedrich

Continuous Lifecycle: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability

Continuous Lifecycle: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability
Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability Michael Friedrich Senior Developer Evangelist at GitLab @dnsmichi Demo repository: Dnsmichi - pronunciation hints at

Lightning talk at PromCon EU: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability

PromCon EU: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability (lightning talk)
Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability Michael Friedrich Senior Developer Evangelist at GitLab @dnsmichi Demo repository: Dnsmichi - pronunciation hints at PromCon EU 2022

Lightning talk at the GitLab booth at KubeCon NA: Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines in a Cloud Native World

KubeCon NA LT-Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines in a Cloud Native World-Michael Friedrich
Efficient DevSecOps Pipelines in a Cloud Native World Organisation issue (internal)

Open Observability Day at KubeCon NA: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability

Open Observability day at KubeCon NA: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability
Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability Michael Friedrich Senior Developer Evangelist at GitLab @dnsmichi Demo repository: Dnsmichi - pronunciation hints at

KCD Munich: From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift your SLOs with Chaos

KCD Munich 2022: From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift your SLOs with Chaos
SPONSORS Speaker: Michael Friedrich Company: GitLab From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift your SLOs with Chaos

Open Source Automation Days: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability

Open Source Automation Days 2022: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability
Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability Michael Friedrich Senior Developer Evangelist at GitLab @dnsmichi Demo repository: Dnsmichi - pronunciation hints at

Kube Simplify workshop: Kubernetes Observability


Focus on: Linux podcast: Monitoring (German)

Focus On Linux: Monitoring - SVA
Unsere neueste Ausgabe Focus On Linux enthält spannende Inhalte zum Thema Monitoring inkl. einen Überblick über gänginge Monitoringtools.

Container Days EU: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability


Container Days EU 2022: Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability
Confidence with Chaos for your Kubernetes Observability Michael Friedrich Senior Developer Evangelist at GitLab @dnsmichi Demo repository: Dnsmichi - pronunciation hints at

Container Days EU: From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift your SLOs with Chaos

cdCon 2022: How we build CI/CD Observability with OpenTelemetry

cdCon 2022: How we build CI/CD Observability with OpenTelemetry
How we build CI/CD Observability with OpenTelemetry Michael Friedrich Senior Developer Evangelist at GitLab Organisation: @dnsmichi

KubeCon EU 2022: From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift your SLOs with Chaos

KubeCon EU 2022: From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift your SLOs with Chaos
From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift your SLOs with Chaos Michael Friedrich Senior Developer Evangelist at GitLab @dnsmichi Organisation:

SLOconf 2022: Left Shift your SLOs with Chaos

Heise Academcy Workshop: Kubernetes Monitoring with Prometheus 2022

Kubernetes Monitoring with Prometheus Workshop 2022
Kubernetes Monitoring with Prometheus Michael Friedrich Senior Developer Evangelist at GitLab @dnsmichi

She'n'IT meetup: My story in IT: Adventures with dnsmichi

My story in IT: dnsmichi
Adventures with dnsmichi How I wanted to understand computers and how you can do too

Chaos Carnival: From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift your SLOs with Chaos

Chaos Carnival 2022: From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift Your SLOs with Chaos
From Monitoring to Observability: Left Shift your SLOs with Chaos Michael Friedrich Senior Developer Evangelist at GitLab Recording: @dnsmichi


You made it this far: Here's to everything in from 2012 to 2021 in the archive :)