Did you read the news today?

I'm busy. Too busy to read the news today. More work than I ever anticipated when joining GitLab. #allremote works for me, and I am not doing extra hours or going weekend routes.
"Work" provides me with satisfaction and fun, I invest passion and energy and get so much back from it. There are small and big pieces which come together. Working on webcasts, blog posts, virtual event workshops, diving into new ideas on tutorials, aiming to help users on Twitter and the forums, providing GitLab release insights and working cross-team on the Create, CI/CD, Monitor & Release Management groups, German campaigns, improving the docs and challenge my team members with new ideas. Lately we've jumped into the #git-challenge train together - I have learned so much & everyone has been super nice and helpful!
Highly likely there is more. One lesson I learned in the past months: My fragmented work leads to personal chaos, with planting the seeds everywhere. My current iteration is focussed work, blocked calendar times and often bulk updates for specific things (mails, Slack, Twitter, Forum, etc.). Next to that, the 34" monitor helps with working on two browsers.
Diving into the news
In the last weeks, the DevSecOps survey for 2020 was prepared, summarized and released. We as Developer Evangelists were tasked to build our own views for media interviews and press releases. Brendan took the lead for international engagements while I am diving into the German speaking area (DACH - D = Germany, A = Austria, CH - Switzerland).
My passion for great Open Source development, project & release management combined with monitoring and security aligns great with the thoughts of the survey participants. I'm really happy to hear as it clearly shows where more work is needed - testing, monitoring & security.
Special thanks to Andrea Ludwig from Speakeasy for the amazing cooperation! Read more (in German) here:
Michael Friedrich, Developer Evangelist bei GitLab sagt dazu: „Der DevSecOps 2020-Bericht zeigt, dass sich die Rollen ändern. Entwickler sind mit leistungsstarken Tools wie automatisierter Code-Sicherheit und Dependency-Scanning ausgestattet worden. Operations- / Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)-Teams können die Verwaltung von Zugangsdaten und Passwörtern einfacher in den DevSecOps-Workflow integrieren. Monitoring hat sich von CI/CD-Pipelines zu Application-Performance-Monitoring in verteilten und hochverfügbaren Umgebungen verlagert und ermöglicht Gesundheits- und Performance-Reporting auf Git-Commit-Basis. Auch die DACH-Region beginnt, die Leistungsfähigkeit von Kubernetes und Cloud-Native-Microservices zu erkennen. Mit all den Verbesserungen werden wir in Zukunft mehr automatisierte Deployments in Produktion sehen.“
- dotnetpro: Die Rollen der Software-Entwicklungsteams ändern sich
- Infopoint Security: DevSecOps-Umfrage von GitLab: Rollen der Software-Entwicklungsteams ändern sich
- com! professional: Die Rollen der Software-Entwicklungsteams ändern sich
Sorry for mixing German and English here - it is my first press release quote for GitLab and I am incredibly proud ❤️
Now, back to work - GitLab 13.0 will be out on Friday, May 22nd and the development for 13.1 already kicked off. Watch out for future workshops & webcasts and more magic tools. Rumours say that alert & incident management in GitLab will be the next big thing!
Last but not least - I've started a German coffee chat called #everyonecancontribute Käffchen. See you there!