3. #everyonecancontribute Kaeffchen

This week we welcomed 3 new guests into our lovely German coffee chat: Michael, Marcel and Niclas!

everyonecancontribute 2.0

As we want to make everyonecancontribute.com our home as well as keep the lovely demo with Tanuki, Clippy & Rainbow-Octocat, we talked a bit about website hosting and organisation. The GitLab way of removing blockers and work in minimal viable changes (MVC):

  • Michael creates a new group at https://gitlab.com/everyonecancontribute
  • Grants permissions to meeting members
  • Website, logo, and more content or best practices will be added as we go along!
  • Transition/DNS changes to come. Deploy things with GitLab & keep the Prometheus node exporter available for demos.

This gains momentum and speed on its own. It is so lovely to see the motivation in everyone's eyes ❤️

GitLab Insights

OpenMetrics, OpenTracing and monitoring data retention

Markus asked about this topic last week and I said I'll prepare something. 1 hour before the coffee chat I decided to create a new slide deck for everyone (English).

#everyonecancontribute Kaeffchen: OpenMetrics & OpenTracing
#everyonecancontribute Kaeffchen: OpenMetrics & OpenTracing about.gitlab.com / everyonecancontribute.com

Right after, we started sharing our experiences with metrics and traces. Markus mentioned Dynatrace from their work, and out of a sudden we found a discussion topic: Your monitoring/observability tools provide too much data (metrics, traces, logs, etc.) and you just don't know how to handle that, or how long to keep the data.

We could have continued talking on data retention for monitoring & observability data all evening long. Now what? Challenge for next week: Add an agenda point with a thought on this. At the time of writing this blog post, Michael Aigner already added their points - this feels good :-)

PS: Inspired by the recording and meeting notes and want to join our German Kaeffchen? Ping Michael on Twitter or via mfriedrich(at)gitlab.com :-)